Tycho Jæger's Prize in Electro-optics 2024The Physical Society of Norway and Irma Salo Jæger og Tycho Jægers Stiftelse are proud to announce Tycho Jægers Prize in Electro-optics for 2024. Irma Salo Jæger og Tycho Jægers Stiftelse is a charitable foundation supporting the fine arts and physics. The prize promotes and awards Norwegian research within the field of electro-optics (photonics) with focus on younger scientists. The prize consists of two parts, a diploma and a monetary part. The foundation has decided to increase the prize money this year to NOK 200 000. The winner will be announced at the Norwegian Electro-optics Meeting May 22-24 this year. StatutesThe statutes for the prize is given here. (Text is in Norwegian.) Deadline
The deadline for nominations is May 3rd 2024. How to nominate?
Fill in the nomination form, a Word document given in
the link below. Follow the instructions given in the
form. Send the nominations to the email given at the
bottom of the nomination form.
Selection commity
The members of the selection commity are: